Botschaften anderer Medien

Communication requires Devotion and Commitment

Ann Rollins - received by Helge Mercker on January 2nd, 2013, Elim, Namibia.

My dear sister, I am here, it is Ann Rollins; and yes indeed many more lessons await you and I am glad in your desiring to write our ‘love letters’ as you say. It requires devotion and commitment to do the task of communication. We will help and guide you as you know, this is an extension of God showing you the way He intends you to pursue and the unfolding of your gifts and talents. Relax and just feel my words. I am by your side all the time and will help you, so is Judas as he very much wants to write more often and through this will develop your ‘listening ‘ skills. I am committed /devoted to your development as a beautiful child in our Father’s Love and I feel such joy as you take one step forth and want to intensify your relationship with Him. I am next to you, we surround you to help you getting nearer to our Father so you can feel His Love and Guidance for you.

We are committed in helping our brothers and sisters in spirit world and on earth. I am near you, call on me for any question or guidance. We are devoted to the Truths and their availability made known to all of those having a desire in their hearts for truth. You are also inclined to share the beauty of the Truths you have learned so far and I encourage you to do so in whatever capacity. You will be guided in the future to talk more openly about your journey upon this path as you grow in confidence and greater/more knowledge (Soulknowledge). Yes you will see us, hear us and feel us as was revealed to you. Trust in the process, keep a commitment to God, His Love, His Truths and above all , Pray !

This lets you commune with God and you will experience more of the unifying exchange/ communication / flowing of love with God. As you recognise/perceive the soul experience you have with God, desire more of those and you will be able to commune with a greater soul awareness.

I am so delighted for this letter and we will practice more often as our commitment to each other will grow. Know that we are all helping you, guiding you and we have different tasks as we guide you, all helping in the bigger picture of your development in coming closer to God. I am glad you trust us and have overcome your doubts and fears. Indeed, God helps you too to have the peace and I say goodbye for now and looking forward to our next sitting. It is Ann Rollins, your sister in Christ, goodbye.