Botschaften anderer Medien

Encouragement for Circle of Seven 1

Martin Luther – received by Helge Mercker on May 14, 2020, Swakopmund, Namibia.

Martin Luther greets you. I come to bring my love and wish for us to write. 

In the flow of the Father’s Love much is being revealed and so much can be accomplished by continually seeking His Love, keeping the deepest desires for His Love and Truth as a burning flame, constantly being fed with renewed force. Daily efforts are required, even when you feel drawn into daily routines and their effects, try and seek to reach for the Highest every minute.

My daughter, I am with you in your prayers and hear your concerns about your little group, and you can feel reassured that all will be resolved. All will have its effects and outcomes. Each one taking responsibility for their own thoughts and actions, each one being responsible for the consequences of their actions. All will come into harmony. We ask for the group to embrace each other through the good and the ‘bad’ times, as you say.

God’s hand is upon you all as long as you follow the advice that has been given to you. Great efforts were made and many lessons were given. Seek to bring them into your daily life and all will be well. Much love is poured into your undertaking. Do not let little disturbances bring a storm of unrealistic expectations upon each other.

We continue to guide each of you, each designated angel is at the side of their charge. We are in this commitment as you are, we are in this bond of love as you are. So, come together in love and all will be well. My love is with each of you and so many are helping you to come closer to your awakenings. Much has been given, much has been shared. You will come together once more to continue and accomplish this work. 

I am Martin Luther and I greet you all with my love and support. God bless you.

  1. You will find an explanation of the “Circle of seven” here.