Botschaften anderer Medien

Father’s Love

Father - received by Helge Mercker on January 7th, 2013, Elim, Namibia.

My child, I am here, your loving Father.

Do not falter to the depths of the construct of your material mind, revel in the love of your heart and open that part of you, your soul to me, as I have so much to give you.

My dear child. You know how I love you. You know how I care for you. Would I let you falter when you ask me to protect you, to hold you, to hold my Hand over you ? Oh my dear child, know that I am near, be you near to me, as I love to have you close to me. It makes me happy to have all my children close to me. Love ! That is all ! Only Love ! Be illuminated by It, feel It’s burning warmth the soothing shower washing over you, Love expands, not retract; Love embraces, not divide; Love includes, not exclude; Love harmonizes and energizes. The notes of Love is the symphony of Heaven, hear the music, hear the song , hear the laughter of children in their innocent knowledge of love. Love this way my child and extend your arms, your smile, your heart.

I love you. Seek more of It , as I have so much Love to give, to all and everyone. A fountain of endless, ever wanting to be given Love. To quench the thirst of thirsting souls. Be embraced by my arms of Love and hear the whispers when I call.

Indeed, it is your Father.