Botschaften anderer Medien

God’s Love is the Catalyst

Confucius – received by Helge Mercker on May 25, 2020, Swakopmund, Namibia.

My little bird, my daughter, I am here with you. I am Confucius.

I share my love with you and bring you healing and comfort as you are engaged in deep thought about many things, about what our beloved Seretta Kem has said, and Matthew and others.

Dear child, place before God that which you seek to discover, that which you seek to release; the errors, the blind-spots, those things you know you carry with you but are uncertain of their impact and their prevalence within you. Go to God, as His Love flushes over you, dislodging those things you don’t need anymore. As the release can be slow at times, it requires repeated prayers. Other times it happens in an instant of  awareness and it is released within the moment of recognition. God’s Love is the catalyst that helps to bring forth those releases and dislodgments as His healing powers are always ready to bring the required effects.

We are here and bring our love and healing gifts, to be close and assist you in these processes. Call us close, and we are here with you as you seek relief of those disturbing influences, concerns and worries. Beloved child, does not the Father’s Love heal all, bring balance, harmony and joy to all who are desirous of the joyful upliftment and peace? These are changing times and require diligent attention to what is occurring in your world and to making loving choices in each moment. Make loving choices by letting go of things and attitudes that will be of no use in the new world, a new world that requires building on a foundation of love, the greatest love there is, God’s Love. Bring forth this desire to come into alignment with this Love that pours forth from God, ever ready to enter your soul. Embrace yourself with compassion, gentleness and love as you discover greater depths of yourself. Seek to commune with your soul, to let your soul ascend gently into lightness and greater awareness, as it slowly takes precedence. With each opening and awakening, it becomes clearer who you truly are.

When one lets go of the many aspects and functions of the ego and the mindal understandings of the world, it is slowly replaced by this new reality of endless love, selfless service, humble grace and the uplifting and sharing of gifts and beauty.

My child, the healing is occurring. Each day you make efforts to come to God, to bring your desire and prayers forward, coming into greater at-onement with our Creator. The gift to God is the release of all those things that hold you from Him, all those things that stand between your soul and His Soul. Let the barriers fall and the encrustations of the soul peel off bit by bit, as your eyes begin to see with clarity who you truly are. And we help you to come to these awakening moments, the seconds of realizations, each building on the one before, ever growing. Bring forth the strong desire, the call, the active asking for God to help you in this awakening process, in this transformative unfolding of oneself. Be gentle and kind, loving and gracious to yourself, and the path of transition into eternal Love will bring you great harmony, peace and joy.

God bless you my dear child. Confucius is with you, bringing you healing and comfort, wisdom and love. God bless you and rest well in peace, as we are near. Good night dear child. God bless you.