Botschaften anderer Medien

Knowledge of Truth

Martin Luther – received by Helge Mercker on May 15, 2020, Swakopmund, Namibia.

Good morning my dear daughter, Martin Luther greets you. 

Through the blessings of intuitive knowing comes the expression of that, which is in greater alignment with the reflection of the true self, the soul being. In your quest for truth, of Gods Truth, the soul requires to be activated and open. Through the gift of God’s Love the accompanied Truth will settle within the soul, and through this inflowing of God’s Love much can be achieved on many levels. In the undertaking of your efforts to bring God’s Truth to the world, the internal knowing and understanding of the material to be presented must come from a clear perspective of the acquired Truth and its wisdom. Unnecessary information is distracting and bears no fruit. Bring your knowing, the internal soul-knowing, to expression through speech, writings or actions, and it will be a blessing for the recipients.

Knowledge is not the volume of facts acquired. Mindful understanding is important but very limited in its scope, compared to the knowledge from the soul, that deep inner place. Though it may seem that a truth is progressive - meaning it seems to grow once we acquire it -  in reality it is one’s own perception and understanding that grows. Truth desires to be activated and to be lived. Once a truth is realized, it is important to live the truth recognised. Just like the Father’s Love, once received in the soul It needs its activation, desiring to shine forth, breaking open the soul’s encrustations, desiring to be channeled by the being into the world, thereby enlightening and illuminating the being.

I bring my love and we will write again. The reception is not as clear as I hoped for, but we will pursue the topic again. Be in God’s Love and I pray for His Blessings to come to all His children. May God bless you my dear daughter. God bless you.