Botschaften anderer Medien

On the Project of Direct Voice

Jesus - received by Helge Mercker on August 5th, 2017, Swakopmund, Namibia.

I have come, I am here, it is Jesus. You have felt my promptings and I am glad that you have prayed in earnestness and you feel my nearness. I have come to talk to you about the Father’s Love and the power it brings to each soul and the advancing of the soul in its progression to ever greater nearness to the Father. Ever coming closer to the state of being born anew into the divinity of His Love. And each prayer that comes with sincere soul longings for this Love is inching ever closer to that great moment of a new being, of a new reality. Each person experiences it in a different way, in a different awareness and acknowledgement. For most it is incremental. It is a journey, it is a process.

I am delighted at the bond of your friends and of your group who wishes to advance in their development, in their commitment in serving God’s mighty plan for the Salvation of mankind. Each and everyone is, to their best abilities, adjusting their lives to come into greater harmony with this service. And it brings us joy and delight whenever there is a soul who has received God’s Love and that Love is calling them forward into acknowledgement of their calling, of each movement of their soul towards God.

It is with joy that we anticipate your group to come together and to bring days in prayer and harmony together in the anticipation of the gift that has been granted. And as each individual is preparing themselves, each in their own way, so do we in the Celestial Heavens prepare ourselves for the facilitation of this great project. It is not a small task. It engages many on many different levels and thus we rely very much on you all for it to come about. So, we very much rely on your desire for this gift, on your prayers and your degree of harmony, your commitment and dedication to this. Each of you feels a different approach towards this and that is understandable as each of you brings your own intentions and desires and perceptions. Yet, the common goal is for all of us to unite in a big, big undertaking. This undertaking will not only come to fruition once the manifestations have been established as the true work begins afterwards – in bringing it to many, in demonstrating it to different corners of the world -as you will be guided. As each one of you will come to the clear understanding of your purpose. As each of you advance on your soul progression and understanding and embracing the fulfilling of your soul to a greater extent and what it is that your part is in this. And I think the immensity and the understanding will be coming to a greater awareness or perception once you are together and once we are able to advance with this project.

For now it is not to have expectations, yet commitment. And not to brush away the seriousness of this, but to be really centred, focused, attuned with the gravity of this undertaking. With the immense work that has been put into it, the dedication and respect that this gift demands- I know these words sound rather harsh but it is the truth. It is of great work for all of us. And it is of great purpose and the intention is to manifest God’s plan for the Salvation of all his children.

And we are thankful for all of you who dedicate to this, for all of you who have a willingness to come together, to participate and make yourselves available. Yes, we do understand there are many things tugging at your being. Wanting for you to be committed to other issues in your lives, to other commitments and works and obligations that you perceive are important in your life. But consider going into prayer and talking to God, our Father. What He desires. What He wishes for you. And in that communion and that asking and discussing, in this close bond with your Father in Heaven, your soul will bring you the answers forward. And in your times of prayers the convictions of your soul knowing will influence your being, will influence your actions and your decisions. And thus we hope and wish for that you commit as often as you can to enter that state of communion with God. Whatever time, whatever moment you feel you are able to be close to our Heavenly Father.

We are longing for the manifestation of all what is planned and we ask of you to commit yourselves to prayers. To ask your questions and reveal your inner issues, your inner feelings, your uncertainties and your desire for clarity. Your desire for guidance. You need to express these things for us to enter into your presence and give you the help and clarity and explanations that you desire. As greater insight will relieve you from errors through ignorance or confusion and a greater clarity of expression, a greater clarity of purpose will come to you in time. With each prayer, with each desire of deep soul longings to our Heavenly Father and to be in the flow of this Love and the desire to be in the service of our Father’s wishes and Will, will help you.

To stride forward with a steadfastness and a knowing,- that is convincing to others, that is of surety- and brings the beacon of light which is radiating with Love. Where people are drawn to seeking comfort and the calling for certainty in times of great chaos, tribulations, pain and suffering.

Your preparations are in small steps and with each prayer you grow within. With each conversation and communion with our Heavenly Father you reach greater depths within you and a closeness with ever growing and trusting and becoming reliant upon our Father’s guidance, ever trusting the way forward, ever trusting the unfolding of His plan. Even if it doesn’t make any sense to your concepts of understanding. But faith and trust in our Father will let you move forward with a knowing that you stand in Truth, in Love.

So, my dear daughter and sister in our Father’s Love, we are guiding you all. We very much need your help in the fulfilling of this undertaking in the bigger plan. We thank you for your efforts and desires. May our Father bless you mightily for your commitment. We thank you and we greet you this afternoon. It is Jesus. I am the Master of the Celestial Heavens and I am your brother and your friend, ever guiding you along your path. I love you and I wish you a good afternoon.