Botschaften anderer Medien

Serving in the Network of Love

Andrew – received by Helge Mercker on April 26, 2020, Swakopmund, Namibia.

Dear daughter, I desire to write and wish to spend this prayer time with you and speak about the establishment of the portal in this location. Much help and work from our side has been brought forth in establishing the many openings of love and light to reach into your world of earth. The powerful flow of love and energies of healing and cleansing through these avenues are a benefit for all in the vicinity and surrounding areas. We seek to open up more portals, connecting and forming the Network of Love and Light that envelopes the whole earth. More and more of this weaving of the network requires the engagement of dedicated souls who are living in the flow and dedication to our Heavenly Father, committing to their desires to follow His Will and wishing to assist in bringing salvation to all people. For is it not the Father’s Love that propels one forward into the reaches of serving His desire? In complying to this force of love in action, the soul expands, desiring to reach out further and further.

In your group of dedicated souls, seek to realize the desires that call from the inner feelings of the soul. Acknowledgment of the gifts held within each soul, harmonizing their engagement with God and each other will bring a force that can change many things in your world. Finding each other in dedication to God, to humanity and to your world will establish a future that is based on and driven by God’s Love. Many will be called upon, many will be engaged not even consciously knowing of their acts and commitment to this work and network of love, for the souls will come into contact and recognise each other in this great network that God is weaving and being realized through our assistance and work of love and dedication to our Heavenly Father. These are avenues of bringing new life to your world which is changing rapidly.

Our dedication to you and all our charges, all willing souls who are seeking His Divine Love, who desire a life of soul dedicated to its own progression and are partaking in their desire to serve in the Father’s Will, will be supported, loved and upheld by us in Heaven. The paths are many, the awakening multifold as each soul dedicates to its own awakening and emergence, in its own progression and advancing on this magnificent journey into the intimate bonding and merging with our Father through His Gift of His own substance, His Love.

The welcome changes in your world will bring forth the strength and capacities to love and care, to strengthen man’s resolve in their desire for good. Many need to know of God and the privilege that Jesus came and made known, the availability of this great gift of the Father’s Love. Many will come and listen, many are hungering for these truths, many are yearning for God’s touch and don’t know the source of their pain and their cries. Much help is needed in your world, much love needs to be shared, much truth to be revealed….not information and more information, but knowledge, true knowledge of soul, of Love, of God.

And thus you are ready to bring forth the words of truth, the touch of healing, the embrace of love; bringing forth your soul gifts to fulfil God’s embrace to all his children, reaching each soul. May the time come where each child will be aware of its choices, its great potentials, the source of the greatest and only Love that will bring their salvation, peace and joy, will bring their freedom.

I am Andrew, I have not written before but you have recognised my presence and I will come again as I desire to write more. Partake in a regular prayer time and you will see the wonders of such regularity. I bring my blessings and love whenever you wish for me to come and pray with you. It is Andrew, I pray with you and God bless you, my love is with you.