Botschaften anderer Medien

Some Personal Guidance

Judas -received by Helge Mercker on January 22nd, 2013, Elim , Namibia.

I am here my sister, it is Judas, and you let me write as I have not written in a while and I am glad you are open this morning to do so. As to proper writing practice, it is but to sit whenever you are most comfortable and open. Don’t pressure yourself as I can see you don’t know when the best time would be. It is not of importance what time of day but feel when you are close to us. Now is good and thus I prompted you. It takes time and practice, be willing to practise. I am happy about your efforts of being close to God. Continue and commune as often as possible with Him, pray often. You never can pray enough. My dear, I am Judas, your close friend and you are deeply loved and needed in our future of being a light to the world.

Find happiness in your progression, how far you have come; look back for a moment and see where you were one year ago, two years ago. Feel the happiness and be grateful for what has been accomplished and all the blessings you have received. It is so wonderful to have accomplished so much and yet strive for more. The everlasting thirst for more of God’s Love, His Knowledge and Wisdom. It is this desire that keeps us going and desiring for more. It is indeed joyous and fulfilling to have the knowing of this.

As to your group, great things await you, make sure to be fully open for each other and for our presence and most important for God. So much can be accomplished during the time together, most importantly: dance ! Dance in the Love, sing together, share your stories. Comfort and hold each other, bond. Build the network at a deeper level . You need each other for the tasks ahead, as many require help, guidance, love and healing. Strengthen each other in your believe and faith, assert your desires how you see the world, the world of change, the world with a new (soft) heart. Exchange ideas, be the inspirers, the guides, encouragers and healers. Include God in all your discussions and all you do, as He will reveal to each of you their task, their soulful purpose in being here, now.

Be comforted by our ever presence and we surround you constantly and will pray with you and be with you to help to make the surroundings and time most optimal for the most beneficial and fruitful time together. As you do your travelling, share your story and what you know about God. Go on and bring us close to people through you. Ask for our presence, we are never too busy, this is our task our work of love. Don’t feel you cannot ask because you would bother us. You are important, we love you, why should we be too busy with something else?

It is Judas, I gave a long message on personal guidance but this is why I come to you as your guide and friend. I am so close to you and wish for you to see the glory of Our father’s Love, of achieving at-onement with our Father. I love you deeply and you know how much I love you. Express your love! – for God, and us. Go and do a spontaneous celebration, we join in.

You are a treasured child of God, He loves you so deeply, He cares about you so much. He wishes for you to live your life fully and with the lovefilled soul of a true child of His, a child that wants and craves so much of His Love which He is able to share so abundantly.

Keep things simple, enjoy life, your progress . Pray, meditate and commune often with Our Father. All will be well, and joyous. You are loved, we uphold you always, surrounding you, protecting you. Desire to learn more that you feel you want to know, expand your soul and heart, reach out and love.

You are my sister, sending you love from the Heavens above. Your true and loving brother, a follower of Jesus, it is Judas Praise the day and enjoy, step out.