Botschaften anderer Medien

The Joy of Love

Judas -received by Helge Mercker on January 5th, 2013, Elim, Namibia.

Hello, hello my dear sister, oh yes, I am happy !

You are reading my messages I gave through HR. You find some clarity on some issues and this will help us. Think of our communication as sitting at a table and chatting- relaxed, as two friends do. No one interferes and we are both engaged in our conversation.

Yes, I try to keep things simple to reduce the possibility of any blocks or hindrances. It should be easy flowing conversation/ communication. All will come in time to you, have faith and continue in your prayers- they need to be intensified, deeper, give it all you have, be passionate when praying, this will result in a soulful prayer. Be emotionally engaged, with the deepest feelings….from the soul. My presence makes you happy and you enjoy the humour. We have a lot of humour (here) and laugh often. Do the same. Laugh, be happy, express it.

It is of great concern to witness the events in the world. Crimes are crueller and the darkness seems to become darker and that is why the lights that are there need to shine. The beacons of hope need to glow and illuminate the surroundings so people can see the love and goodness that does exist. We need more commitment to love, compassion and doing good in this world and a sharing of the news of the Love that is available so that peace and happiness comes to each home and heart. Your wish to do compassionate work to work for children and poor people opens the door of demonstrating love. Pursue these efforts with loving intend, not personal gain, but for gain of love for all. As you know you have the help and assistance from many and more and more will engage. Have courage, steadfastness and commitment. Know of the true reality of man, their true hearts and the availability of God’s Love for all. Share this, the gift of sharing the Truths. It is desperately needed, don’t hesitate, go out and share the joy, the joy of Love.

You seem distracted and it is best to stop. I’ll come back soon.

Your friend and angel friend, Judas.