Botschaften anderer Medien

The Sun of Love

Mary - received by Helge Mercker on January 18th, 2013, Elim, Namibia

Oh my dear sweet child, how I love you. I stroke your head with love.

I am so happy to be here with you my dear and I have been with you ever so often. Your prayer today was beautiful and many were present. Keep up your prayers, they become of greater depth and sincerity. You feel the physical sensations of your deep and sincere longing soul. Yes, your tears are flowing again, the rivers of love.

My beautiful sister in our Father’s Love, oh so many beautiful things await you in your spiritual journey and in your physical existence. Today you felt a renewed conviction of purpose, of stepping forth, placing another foot firmly on this path. Having acquired more knowledge and truth, sinking deeper into the soul, claiming ownership of them. The conviction and certainty of purpose in doing Father’s Will, the certainty within faith.

Step forth my dear one, in the labours of love as each helper is needed. Step forth and sing out the songs of Love, the songs of Truth. Share the music. It is the music that harmonizes, as the Love once received , harmonizes. The children await your love, be with them, sing with them, share the song of Love. My dear you are distracted and it is best to stop writing.

We are by your side, love with a heart that radiates the rays of a bright sun of love. We love you. It is Mary, your angel friend and guardian.