Botschaften anderer Medien

The Wind of Change is Blowing

Judas - received by Helge Mercker on December 9th, 2012, Elim, Namibia.

My dear sister, it is your angel friend Judas. Don’t burden yourself with things that are taken care of, things of your mental construct,- feel safe and secure as all will follow as God has provided. Feel with confidence that all be well, that all prayers will be answered, have faith, have it now, as we are here with you and see your struggle. Be in the joy of knowing of the Truths, that is the true wealth and are needs for eternity. It behoves us to say this as we are the witness of such. Be prepared to encounter more “tough” situations, but stand strong in your faith, my dear-.

The wind of change is blowing and we need our light bearers to be strong and not let the flame of love be blown out by the escalations of worldly matters. Keep on praying my dear, we are always near you, have faith, feel our love, you are never alone. I advise to rely on what you have learned and keep on trusting in our Father’s Love. You are doing fine as long as you stay focussed on God. Keep praying with others as we can help in those situations as well.

Yes, relax and feel our delight to see your efforts in bringing the Love into the world, being the agent of change. Keep on going sister… they say. We love you deeply, we surround you with our love and uphold you in these testing days, have faith and grow in faith of our Father’s Love. As the true salvation of mankind lies in their desire and effort to receive our Father’s Love. The more know about this, the bigger the changes and the greater the glorious revelation of His true existence in this world. Know the Truth of Him, stand in the Truth, reveal the Truth to all and with the strength of Knowledge and Truth and the Love, nothing can hinder you to be a true child of Him.

I am Judas and glad to write, our rapport needs to strengthen, work on it. We love you.