Botschaften anderer Medien

Unite through Love

Father - received by Helge Mercker on January 15th, 2013, Elim, Namibia.

My child, it is your Father, The Love that shines through each one of you should be unified/united forming a sun of my Love. Unite children, be together. The net of Love does not separate or differentiate, unite if you wish to do my Will. If you truly be of service in my Love, know there is unity through compassion and the knowing that you are all deeply loved, everyone is worthy, everyone the perfect creation. Unify my children, unify - in the assembly of prayer, in the churches of the New Hearts, in the synagogues of my Love, in the Heavens of Eternal Love, Joy and Happiness. Be led by your hearts of your love for Me, for you desire to share this knowledge.

You are a witness of and experience it through true supplications and longings. Share what you know. Capture the hearts of the true seekers, the seekers of Truth and Love. Liberate yourselves from the ‘egos’, and unify through the love in your hearts. The passion of a soul that is on fire, like you feel the warm heat in your chest, surpasses the walls of any confinement . Acknowledge the immense love that exist. All the beautiful brothers and sisters with so much love in them, my true beloved children. I want you all to be close to me and in togetherness of our harmonious home of True Love.

You are my children, I love you deeply. It is your Father.